Vasectomies ARE NOT Temporary!

The Netflix series “Love is Blind” has sparked some diverse conversations about relationships. But one cringeworthy topic we have to bring up is vasectomies. The “Love is Blind” birth control conversation was an important reminder of having family planning discussions with partners and also highlight the misconception around vasectomies.

Vasectomies are not a form of temporary birth control. Vasectomies are permanent.

What is a the vasectomy?

  • A vasectomy is a form of male birth control and is procedure that men can undergo in order to PERMANENTLY sterilize themselves. Men who have vasectomies are not able to have children because the procedure cuts the connection between the sperm getting into semen.

How does sperm get into semen?

  • Basically, sperm is produced in a male’s testicles/”balls”/scrotum then it travels through a tube (the vas deferens) into the urethra within the penis where it mixes with fluid to form semen.

What gets “cut” in a vasectomy?

  • The vas deferens tube is what gets cut in the vasectomy procedure and does not allow sperm to get mixed into semen prior to ejaculation.

TRUE OR FALSE: Vasectomies can always be reversed

  • FALSE: Overall vasectomies can not be reversed, it is not like pulling off a bandaid. If a person gets a vasectomy they are consenting to never having children again. RARELY and WITH LUCK vasectomies can be fixed soon after surgery, SOON as in ASAP, not years, and with much difficulty. SO VASECTOMIES CAN NOT BE REVERSED for a majority (read almost all) people!

Why would a male get a vasectomy?

  • There are many benefits to getting a vasectomy including easier family planning for the male and his family. Not every male that gets a vasectomy is in a relationship, so some men get vasectomies because it is the best decision for themselves and their future. Additionally, vasectomy procedures can be easier and more affordable than female permanent birth control options like tubal ligation or hysterectomies.

Are vasectomies simple procedures?

  • There are more difficult procedures than vasectomies but they still have risks. That being said vasectomies are outpatient and same day procedures with few complications and little time needed for recovery.

How quickly do vasectomies stop a man from getting someone pregnant?

  • Vasectomies are not immediate birth control. It is recommend that men use alternative birth control methods (condoms, hormonal contraception, etc) with their partners until they have a repeat check up about 6 months after the procedure to check that they do not have any sperm in their semen and confirm the success of the vasectomy procedure.

Too often people believe that vasectomies can be reversed, like they are just like stopping birth control pills or pulling out an IUD or Nexplanon. No vasectomies are permanent procedures for male birth control. Those interested in vasectomies should think twice before they consent to the permanent sterilization procedure.


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