Strokes happen to the young and old

Excerpt: “Does the idea of a stroke scare you? Do you know what a stroke is?

A stroke is a medical problem where there is poor blood flow to the brain due to decreased blood flow (ischemia) or bleeding (hemorrhagic). Strokes stop people in their tracks, either by death or by decreasing or diminishing a part of their quality of life or function temporarily or permanently.

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of long-term disability. Too often people die from strokes or they are so disabled their way of life is completely altered, creating a huge adjustment for themselves and their families.

Many strokes are preventable!

High blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes. High blood pressure, or hypertension, causes about half of all strokes. Known as the silent killer, high blood pressure is often asymptomatic, showing no signs or symptoms, until it is too late and strokes or heart attacks occur.”

Check out full article HERE.


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