Inflation, Poverty, and Climate Change: A Recipe for Disaster

Excerpt: “On one hand we hope that this season of inflation is short lived but on the other hand we know how America works. So it is important to entertain various scenarios just in case things do not go as expected. One reality is that US Census shows that 11.5 percent of Americans live under the federal poverty line and 27.5 percent live below 200% of the federal poverty line. With even more Americans living paycheck to paycheck, it is safe to say that there is notable financial instability in many households in the United States.

What does poverty, inflation, and financial stability have to do with climate change? First, as a primary care doctor, I know and you should know that everything impacts health and quality of life. So as the cost of groceries and rent increase, people are having to make tough decisions on every aspect of their life, and then there is climate change on top of all that. Whether we like it or not, climate change is not going anywhere. Gone are the days that we could be ignorant to the human impact on Earth’s resources, but the often forgotten victims and communities of climate change that carry the heaviest burden and consequences are those vulnerable populations in low income and environmental justice communities. Poverty comes with daily, hourly, and constant challenges and when paired with climate change there are disproportionately negative outcomes poverty stricken communities face, and in many situations bare, because of choices and circumstances out of their control. Millions of households in America are threatened by poor sustainability outlooks due to lack of affordable housing, inflation, old infrastructures, aging populations, and struggling workforces.”

Check out full article HERE in the Young, Gifted, and Green Catch the Green Tea Blog Series.


Starving America More with the Climate Crisis


Strokes happen to the young and old