Happy 810 Day!

Happy 810 Day from a Flint born and raised doctor living in Flint and working in a downtown Flint based black owned women owned business Harris Family Health.

Proud to be Flint made.

This kid from Flint…

- Earned a chemical engineering degree from the University of Michigan

- Earned a medical degree from Georgetown Univerisity

- Trained as a family doctor at University of Illinois in Chicago

- Worked in a federal clinic during the covid pandemic

- Opened Flint’s first direct primary care clinic

- Teaches medical students at Michigan State University

- Wrote a health careers book called “60+ health careers you should know about: a guide to start your health career”

- Bought a house in Flint as a personal promise, goal, and example of investing in Flint

- Does health literacy and prevention through BLK FAM DOC including the Flint Health Hub

- Does health justice and advocacy work for more affordable, accessible, and human based health care

- Does climate and environmental justice work with Young, Gifted & Green, Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health , and EnviroFlint.com

- Does advocacy and policy work through the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians

- Does health education work including writing health columns for one of Michigan’s oldest black owned newspapers the Flint Courier News

- Does pipeline work through projects like the Mindful and Motivated Youth Health Summit

This kid from Flint is making moves.

Proud to be from the 810.

I’ve lived in many places (AA, DC, Chicago, Denver, New Orleans) but Flint is always home.

Harris Family Health is a innovative approach to primary care that provides accessible, affordable, and quality care to adults and children. Harris Family Health empowers patients to prioritize their health through convenient and evidenced based quality care.

Learn more about Harris Family Health at harrisfamilyhealth.com. Join Harris Family Health today.

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