5 Things to Ask Your Family to LIVE LONGER!

It is that time of year were we start gathering. For some it can be a beautiful thing while for others it’s stressful and sometimes not the most ideal situation. Hopefully your family gatherings are good vibes all around.

But no matter the situation there are some things your family can help you with to help you LIVE LONGER and HEALTHIER OVERALL.

Family history and medical information can be super valuable as you navigate your own health and risk factors. There are many things you can control based on lifestyle but there are also things you are increased risk for developing because of your family genetics and history.

Not saying you have to be in someone’s business when it comes to their health but knowing more helps build your family legacy and strengthens your bloodline.

Here are things you should ask your family while you gather together this holiday season…

  1. What family members have or have had cancer? - There are screening guidelines for breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer that have been normalized in the annual physical. BUT based on family history there may be people who need EARLIER screening or more intense work ups because of family history. So ask the who, what, when, where, and how of cancer history in your famiy. Also ask if there were any known genetic testing you should be aware of.

  2. Have any young people suddenly died of a heart disease or problem? - This one is tricky but when young people suddenly die from a heart disease or problem it is usually unknown until it is too late. Knowing this type of family history may save a young child in the family because they can be checked out a little more closely to decrease the risk of a sudden death.

  3. Has anyone ever had a bad reaction to anesthesia medicine during a surgery? - Anesthesia medicine is the “sleepy medicine” people are given to go to sleep and stay sleep during a surgery. Sometimes people can have bad reactions that are not necessarily genetic but it is good to know if your father or sister had a bad reaction to medicine so they can have the heads up.

  4. Do your family members regularly go to the doctor? - This question is not so much for specific information as it is an opportunity to highlight those who do not go are more likely to not be aware of new problems or may not be managing old problems very well. And what people do not know not only hurts them it does not have their family know if they should be screened for something earlier.

  5. Does your emergency contact know your medical history? - If you have an emergency contact anywhere they should know some of your basic medical problems. Because if something happens to you and you can not speak for yourself you want your allergies known, you want you main medical problems known, you want your emergency contact to be able to advocate for you. Not saying you have to tell them everything but being a Jane Doe or John Doe in the hospital with no information is risky when you could help yourself by having an emergency contact that knows some history and information.

There is always the opportunity to go deeper and learn more but then that gets personal. We should be more open with generally talking our health and encouraging others to get check ups or manage chronic problems.

So this year while your gathered learn a little more health and medical history from your family. It could literally save your life and many others in your family. The legacy your family builds depends on good health.

Learn more about Harris Family Health at harrisfamilyhealth.com


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