Getting there is half the battle: How transportation impacts your health

Excerpt: “How are you getting to wherever you need to be, or are going? Do you drive a car? Do you walk? Do you take a bus? Do you get a ride from someone? Transportation plays an important role in how we live our day-to-day lives. Everything we do outside of our homes depends on how we get there. Or, in some cases, how we do not get there.

Did you know transportation is a social determinant of health? Meaning it directly and indirectly impacts how we access health care, obtain wellness and manage our chronic medical problems. Our transportation options are both within and out of our control, which makes it a complex area to discuss when it comes to health outcomes and quality of life.

Transportation can be seen through multiple perspectives. One is our personal transportation, and another is the transportation infrastructure: our community. Both are dependent on the other, but they impact health in different ways.”

Check out full article HERE.


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