Snoop Dogg’s Daughter Had a Stroke at 24 ! Crazy. But is it?! Learn More.

Unfortunately, Cori Broadus, Snoop Dogg’s daughter, suffered a stroke this week. She’s young and only 24 years old. But she has a high risk factor with having Lupus, which is an autoimmune disease that can increase the risk for clots.

To many it’s surprising to have a stroke at a young age but there are some helpful things to know about strokes, the 5th leading cause of death in the US.

What is a stroke?

  • A stroke is a medical problem with poor blood flow to the brain due to decreased blood flow (ischemia) or bleeding (hemorrhagic).

What about young people and strokes?

  • Strokes can happen to young people and not just old people.

  • The average age to have a stroke is decreasing.

  • Stroke hospitalizations for young people are increasing

Classically, people think strokes only occur in older people but there are many risk factors for strokes that can occur a many ages.

What are some stroke risk factors?

  • High blood pressure

  • Diabetes

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum

  • Smoking Cigarettes

  • Migraines

  • Birth control pills

  • High cholesterol

  • Obesity

  • Illicit Drug Use

  • Lupus

  • Atrial Fibrillation

Stroke can present different in everyone but common signs of stroke include weakness, numbness, confusion, difficulty talking, difficulty walking, or trouble seeing. If concerned for a stroke call 911 and get to the hospital. Don’t delay care, time equals tissue, meaning delayed care causes dead tissue.


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