CHEAP Medications for Patients

Harris Family Health is proud to announce that we now have an in house pharmacy.


What does that mean for members? Well, ALL members get access to discounted medications for acute and chronic medical problems. Harris Family Health’s in house pharmacy improves access to medications and provides convenient treatment options.

In a world where 1 in 4 adults don't get medications or stretch medications because of cost and 14% of Genesee County residents report difficulty affording their medications having access to affordable medications is critical and essential for our health.

Have a high co-pay with your medications at the pharmacy? Join Harris Family Health to let Dr Harris find discounts on your medications either from the in house pharmacy or coupons.

Don’t have insurance to cover medications? Join Harris Family Health to get your medications at an affordable price through the in house pharmacy or coupons.

Have a UTI or rash checked out at Harris Family Health? Walk out WITH your medications and skip the outside pharmacy so you are on the road to recovery faster when you have an acute or urgent medical problem. The in house pharmacy comes stocked with medications for skin infections, UTIs, rashes, asthma exacerbation, and more.


How is this possible? Harris Family Health skips the middlemen and gets direct access wholesale ordering for medications just like your local pharmacy. Wholesale pricing saves you money like Costco, Ikea, Aldi’s etc because instead of up-charging significantly you are paying a lower price through Harris Family Health.

For example, a 30 day supply Metformin 500mg, the first line medication for Diabetes, costs $21 retail but only cost $2 at Harris Family Health.

All patients at Harris Family Health get membership benefits that include access to discounted medications plus more. Learn more about Harris Family Health at Join Harris Family Health today.

Check out frequently asked questions here.


Is your colon good and cancer-free?


WOMEN’S HEALTH: Are your periods “normal”?