26yo? Aging Out of Your Parent’s Healthcare Coverage? Here are your options.

So you’re turning 26 years old soon or your child is turning 26 soon. Happy Early Birthday :) Many adults have been able to have their health care needs supplemented by their parents through employer based health insurance plans. Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) opened up health care coverage under a parent’s plan to extend until the age of 26 but what happens after that.

Before the transition, there are many options to review prior to turning 26.

Options range from health insurance to direct primary care to get health care needs met.

  1. Enroll in a Direct Primary Care clinic

    A direct primary care clinic like Harris Family Health is a great option for those looking for personalized primary care. An adult membership at Harris Family Health is only $85 per month and includes comprehensive primary care services with wholesale and discounted medications and labs.

  2. Enroll in your Employer Based Health Plan

    Losing a parent’s coverage qualifies people for enrollment into their employer plan outside of the normal enrollment window. Contact your HR department about the details and next steps.

  3. Enroll in a Marketplace Insurance Plan

    Pick a health insurance plan that works for you and check out the premium tax credits you may qualify for

  4. Enroll in Medicaid

    Contact a local Medicaid office to determine if you meet the enrollment criteria to have a Medicaid plan

  5. Enroll in a Health Share Plan

    Share your health expenses with a collective of individuals and find a plan that works for you


PSA on PSA: Stop Being Scared, Get Your Prostate Checked!


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