Flint is an Environmental Justice Community.

Environmental Justice (EJ) communities are composed predominantly of persons of color or a substantial proportion of persons below the poverty line, that is subjected to a disproportionate burden of environmental hazards and/or experiences a significantly reduced quality of life relative to surrounding or comparative communities.


  • ENVIROFLINT ALERT - Freeze Warning - April 24th

    Alert: Freeze Warning

    - Minimize travel.
    - Stay indoors during the worst part of the extreme cold.
    - Keep a winter survival kit in your vehicle if you must travel.
    - Check tire pressure, antifreeze levels, heater/defroster, etc.
    - Learn how to shut off water valves for potential pipe bursts.
    - Check on the elderly.
    - Bring pets inside.

    How Should I Dress?
    - Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing, and a hat.
    - Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves.
    - Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme cold.
    - Try to stay dry and out of the wind.


    Message from National Weather Services (4/24/24)


    * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 26 expected.

    * WHERE...Majority of southeast Michigan.

    * WHEN...From midnight tonight to 8 AM EDT Thursday.

    * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor plumbing.


    Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above-ground pipes to protect them from freezing.

Flint Climate and
Environmental Indicators


  • Heat Wave is a period of very high temperatures for over 2 days.

    Extreme Heat is when the temperature is over 90 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Heat Index is how temperature feels when considering humidity + air temperature.

    Calculate Heat Index Here

  • Initial Tips During a Heat Wave

    • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

    • Avoid high-energy activities or work outdoors, during midday heat, if possible.

    • Check on family members, older adults and neighbors.

    • Watch for heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

    Check out FEMA’s Extreme Heat page for more information.


  • Air Pollution is the contamination of air due to pollutants in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and damage the environment.

  • Air Quality Index (AQI) tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air is and how harmful the air pollution can be to your health.

    • Think about spending more time indoors, where particle pollution levels are usually lower.

    • Choose easier outdoor activities (like walking instead of running) so you don’t breathe as hard.

    • Avoid busy roads and highways where PM is usually worse because of emissions from cars and trucks.

  • Here is a list of all the facilities in Genesee County that have to follow air quality regulations to decrease the amount of potential air pollution that is released into the community.

  • A fenceline community or frontline community is a neighborhood that is immediately adjacent to a company, military base, industrial or service center and is directly affected by the noise, odors, chemical emissions, traffic, parking, or operations of the company.


Water is an essential basic need for everyone in Flint, Michigan. In April 2014, the Flint Water Crisis occured the Flint water was contaminated by lead. Consequently, it took years to fight against the injustice experienced by Flint residents.

Safe and drinkable water is obtained after water is treated (“cleaned”) and transported safely through underground service pipes. The State of Michigan and City of Flint continue to report on the water quality and improvement efforts made to deliver clean water to Flint residents.

Genesee County has a high concentration of opened Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) with over 640 USTs that mostly contain gasoline. USTs increase the risk of leaking and ground contamination that can impact the quality and cleanliness of drinking water.

For water emergencies or issues with water service, call (810) 766-7202 (water) or (810) 766-7079 (sewer). These lines are monitored 24/7. For non-emergency questions or concerns, email water@cityofflint.com. This email is monitored by Department of Public Works staff.


Land contamination can result from a variety of intended, accidental, or naturally occurring activities and events such as manufacturing, mineral extraction, abandonment of mines, national defense activities, waste disposal, accidental spills, illegal dumping, leaking underground storage tanks, hurricanes, floods, pesticide use, and fertilizer application.

Flint has multiple sources of land contamination risks, including Underground Storage Tanks, PFAS Sites in Flint, and Brownfield sites.

Genesee County has a high concentration of opened Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) with over 640 USTs that mostly contain gasoline. USTs increase the risk of leaking and ground contamination that can impact the quality and cleanliness of drinking water.

There are 7 PFAS sites in Flint that contain PFAS, a toxic contaminant, in the ground that can pollute drinking water in the area. Flint contains multiple RACER trust properties that are contaminated and need clean up before official reuse. These sites have been allocated federal funds for the waste clean up in the re-development plan. The properties are Flint West, Buick City, Windiate Lot Land, and the Great Lakes Technical Center Industrial Land properties in Flint.

Brownfields are real properties where expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. The Genesee County Land Bank currently has a redevelopment plan and funds to revitalize multiple brownfields.


FEMA’s Natioanl Risk Index (NRI) shows the risk of a natural disaster in the designated area.

Genesee County has a NRI of Relatively Moderate

Specifically, Genesee County is…

HIGH RISK for Ice Storm, Cold Wave, Lightening, Strong Wind, and Tornado.

Additionally, Genesee County is a RELATIVELY MODERATE risk of a Heat Wave.

Do You Have Your Emergency Plan and Emergency Preparedness Kit?

Top 11 Hazards in Genesee County

Yearly Risks of Hazard Events in Genesee County


Our community will be inherited by future generations.

The Climate Resilience Report shares the projected future climate indicator changes in Genesee County for extreme heat, flooding, drought, and wildfires.


Work is being done to achieve Climate Justice, Environmental Justice, and Climate Resiliency.

Climate Resilient Flint
Environmental Transformation Movement of Flint
Flint Rising
Michigan United
NAACP Flint Health and Environmental Justice Committee
St Frances Prayer Center
Young, Gifted, and Green


MI Dept of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Calendar

Public Comments, Hearings, and Meetings

Flint Beat Newspaper

Environment Section

Contact impact@enviroflint.com to connect