Your Family May Shock You

If you’ve never asked your family about their medical history you should. Family medical history is a key component of knowing how much you are at risk of developing cancer, diabetes, depression, heart disease, and many more medical problems.

Screening for medical problems like Colon Cancer can be impacted by your parents’ and siblings’ previous colonoscopies. If they had abnormal colonoscopies you should get a colonoscopy earlier than recommended.

High Blood Pressure at a young age can be connected to your parents having high blood pressure, not just weight and nutrition.

Family history should be a normal conversation within families because knowing can help people be healthier and more aware of what they need to do to save their life and live longer.

We aren’t saying go deep into all the details with every family member but the awareness can motivate other family members to get check ups and regularly see the doctor about their concerns.

Here are some reasons to tell more family about your medical problems…

  1. Help someone get early screening to prevent diseases

  2. Get more support during tough medical chapters

  3. Motivate you and your family to lead a healthier life

Here are some reasons to ask more family about medical problems…

  1. Having no signs or symptoms DOES NOT mean no disease!

  2. Feel like you know more about your health risk factors

  3. Understand the common medical problems that come with age

Our family medical history is a way to know a little about our future. The opportunity to discuss medical problems should not be constantly avoided because it is important information.

Dr Harris at Harris Family Health is a family medicine doctor, seeing both children and adults. She has experience with families from children to grandparents and finds it rewarding when families understand their risks and motivate each other live healthier lives.

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