Women’s History Month Events

It's Women's History Month!

Join Harris Family Health these week at events educating and celebrating women's health!

I will be talking about different women's health concerns at each event.


The Women's Health and Wealth Workshop Sponsored by Chase

Panel discussion about Mental Health, Physical Health, and Financial Health from a Woman's perspective

Thursday, March 23 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM EST at The Flint Public Library


Advocating For My Uterus presents The Environment and Our Hormones Talk with Dr Harris

Saturday, March 25th 10-11am - Virtual - RSVP Here http://afmu_environmentandhormones.eventbrite.com

Women's History Month Event

Join us to celebrate the incredible achievement of women and continue to fight for gender equity.

Saturday, March 25th 2pm at The Flint Public Library


Carman-Ainsworth High School Career Day


100k Ideas Storytelling Series Video Feature