Voting is a health right

Excerpt: “When is the last time you have been to the doctor? Are you registered to vote? These two questions may seem different, but they are rooted in the idea that we should be taking care of ourselves and our community.

We should ask people if they have a doctor and are getting the recommended preventative screenings. We should ask people if they are registered to vote and participating in the voting process because civic engagement is important.

Voting is considered a social determinant of health because voting impacts all aspects of our lives, whether we like to admit it or not. Voting locally, state-wide and nationally plays a role in how we function in society, how our communities are built and maintained, how our children are educated, how our work conditions are regulated, and even how our food is processed. It all comes down to the governmental figures and policies we put in place because of the power of our “voting voice.”

Check out full article HERE.


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Health and Wellness Extravaganza