Are you all caught up? Adult vaccines you need

Excerpt: “Are you over 18 years old? Well, there are still vaccines that are recommended for you. Not just the flu vaccine or the infamous COVID vaccine. But other very important vaccines are essential for prevention and decreasing complications.

We often forget that adults need vaccines, too. Children get many vaccines before they even start school and many more before they graduate high school. But adults, adults need to stay “caught up” on vaccines too or need to “catch up” on their vaccines to stay healthy and prevent medical problems.

When adults get vaccines, they not only decrease risk of death, but also hospitalizations, severe infection and major complications, especially if they have chronic medical diseases. There are three vaccines that should be highlighted for adults outside of the annual flu vaccines and now regularly recommended COVID booster vaccines. The three vaccines that do not get enough attention are the pneumococcal vaccines, tetanus vaccines and shingles vaccines, which are some recommended vaccines for adults.”

Check out full article HERE.


Mindful and Motivated Youth Health Summit


VIDEO: Flint SOUP Mini-Grant Event