The Grand Opening!!

The Grand Opening for Harris Family Health was amazing! The love, support, and excitement was so wonderful to experience. I am so excited about 2023 and what it has for Harris Family Health. The joy and happiness and love I felt at the grand opening was just so inspiring and real.

Harris Family Health has been a long time coming. It wasn’t an overnight idea or spur of the moment move. First off, I had to become a doctor. That isn’t easy when only 2.8% of doctors are Black women. And that’s after I earned an engineering degree and joined the 5% of Black engineers. On top of all of this we aren’t taught to go into private practice anymore in medicine. We are suppose to stay in a broken and challenging system because that’s just how it is.

But I built Harris Family Health from the ground up. It’s a grassroots approach to building a small business and I bootstrapped my way into my dream. I am looking forward to the future of Harris Family Health and the Grand Opening was a celebration.

Harris Family Health is Flint’s FIRST direct primary care clinic. It’s filling an critical need and going to be a great resource. For those still interested in becoming a member and joining is straight forward. You can start your enrollment here or check out the Enroll Today button on the website.

Check out our MidMichigan feature here.


MidMichigan Now Grand Opening Feature


Grand Opening January 10th