School physicals are not a quick check-off

Excerpt: “It’s that time of year again. Schools are opening after summer break. Children are going back to school to engage in dynamic education and build their foundations. And many students are gearing up to get their school physicals in time to tryout for their favorite sports or tryout a new sport for the experience.

School physicals are an important part of the health maintenance of children.

For some, it is another check in with their primary care doctor who they see on a regular basis for well-child exams, chronic care management or general acute visits.

But for others, the school physical is a touch point into the health system that they briefly interact with because of a variety of reasons.

It may seem simple to get your active child with no known physical problems to be seen by a primary care doctor before they play a sport they’ve been playing all summer or for years.

But,  school physicals are very important and continue to save lives by asking questions that may not have come up otherwise.”

Check out full article HERE.


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