Not Just Asthma

Excerpt: “It is not just asthma. There are 26 million people in the United States who have asthma, which is equal to about 1 in 13 people, according the National Center for Health Statistics. With at least 40% of adults having asthma attacks each year, it is beneficial to know the warning signs that better asthma control is needed.

Often. people connect asthma with children more than adults. But more adults are living with asthma, and children with asthma grow up to be adults with asthma. Asthma is not as causal as people think, and adults are six times more likely to die from asthma than children. Additionally, Black people in the U.S. are nearly three times more likely to die from asthma than white people in the U.S.

Asthma is a chronic or long-term lung disease where there is inflammation and swelling in the lung tissue or airways, which causes narrowing and difficulty breathing. There are different triggers for asthma symptoms that vary from person to person. Ideally, a person is able to take clear and easy breaths in every day to day situation, but that is not always the case. Many people with asthma have inhalers that help deliver medicine to the lungs directly, and some even take medications by mouth to control asthma symptoms.”

Check out full article HERE.




Mindful and Motivated Youth Health Summit