Men Need Doctors TOO!

Flint Courier News Health Column. Full article here.


Almost 60% of men DO NOT go to the doctor! That is not good for their health or longevity. Regularly going to the doctor saves lives and prevents medical problems and complications. Men are more likely to be sicker and die younger if they do not take care of themselves. For many this information is not new because the stereotype is real and re-affirmed often, men go to the doctor less than women. But this can change and should change because men need doctors too!

The barriers to men going to the doctor are valid and overlap with many challenges that women have but more women find their way to the doctor to get check ups, to get screenings, and to manage chronic medical problems. If you are a man that has not had a check up or physical in a year or two, it’s time to get that check up. If you have a long term or chronic medical problem that you know is uncontrolled or not managed then you need to visit your doctor. If you know a man that needs a check up or chronic medical problem managed, nudge them and say “hey, have you been to the doctor?”.

>>>Check out more here


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