How to Prevent Kidney Disease and Dialysis

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is one of the leading causes of death in the US.

With 40% of people NOT knowing they have severe CKD and 360 people starting dialysis (a machine that filters the blood) every day due to kidney failure CKD should be talked about more!

At base, kidney function decreases with age but diseases like Diabetes and High Blood Pressure can cause more damage to the kidneys if not controlled. The kidneys filter the blood in the body constantly to create urine so if kidney function decreases blood will not be cleaned as well.

Kidney function can decrease temporarily because of infections and dehydration or can decrease more permanently because of chronic diseases like Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

Black Americans are more than 3 times as likely to have kidney failure compared to White Americans. This increased risk is because of multiple factors but most notably because of increased rates of Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressures and social determinants of health.

Dialysis is a procedure where all the blood in the body is filtered through a machine because the kidneys are not able to filter appropriately. This process is started in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), when 80-95% of kidney function is lost, and is needed long term, usually 3 times a week for at least 4 hours, unless a person gets a new kidney through a kidney transplant. Black Americans are 3 times more likely to progress to ESRD and the need for dialysis.

Do you know what your kidney function is? Many people are surprised to find out they have kidney disease. The earlier someone is aware the better and more proactive someone can be to help protect their kidneys.

Dr Harris can help manage and prevent Chronic Kidney Disease! Harris Family Health is a comprehensive primary care clinic with a family doctor that can help you with many of your common medical problems.


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