Happy 6 Months to Harris Family Health!

Harris Family Health is officially 6 months old today!!

My nephew was born a couple weeks before I opened and I see Harris Family Health as my baby. My nephew is supporting himself and crawling some which is crazy beautiful but so is Harris Family Health. We are growing together.

I’m thankful for every single day that I get to pursue a dream of mine of providing quality care in my hometown. Flint continues to treat me well and opening a business, jumping into a new world, has been an amazing blessing. Daily I feel all the support and love this new adventure has shown me.

I have big dreams and I’m hopeful for tomorrow, next month, next year, and beyond. They still ask me if I think this will “work”. I confidently say yes people want quality care and Flint has shown to be a city that embraces innovation on many levels. Harris Family Health is just one piece of this beautiful city.

Harris Family Health is here and I’m loving it. Grateful for all my current patients and the community that continues to be a blessing for me. Looking forward to my future patients and welcoming new patients who want personalized and convenient care.

Harris Family Health is 6 months old. It’s a beautiful day today. Today is a good day in my Ice Cube voice.

Learn more about Harris Family Health at the next open house on July 6th from 4-6pm!


#flintdoctors #flintmichigan #harrisfamilyhealth #primarycare #directprimarycare #familymedicine #flinthealth


Dr. Aisha Harris Presenting at AAFP’s National Conference


PSA on PSA: Stop Being Scared, Get Your Prostate Checked!