Fibroids: Hysterectomies are not the ONLY treatment option

Excerpt below:

There are 26 million women in the US that have fibroids with 70-80% of women developing fibroids before the age of 50. About 62% women are not aware of the treatment options for fibroids. And by the age of 35, 60% of Black women have fibroids up from 25% between ages 18 and 30.

Black women are two to three times more likely to have recurring fibroids or suffer from complications. There are many treatment options for fibroids! Hysterectomies are not the only option. July is Fibroid Awareness Month and here is more information about fibroids.

July is Fibroid Awareness Month, and here is more information about fibroids.

Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the uterus (womb) and are not cancer growths.

Fibroids can cause a variety of symptoms, but they can also cause no symptoms for some women. For those with symptoms, treatment can be ideal to help decrease or stop the symptoms. Historically, hysterectomies have been the main form of treatment offered to women, but there are a variety of treatment options that women can choose from.

Read more here in the Flint Courier News.


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