Don’t Go Blind Looking at the Sun

Excerpt: ”The world is a beautiful place with the colors, scenes, landscapes, art and more.

Keeping the eyes healthy is plays a key role in being able to appreciate the world around us.

On April 8, 2024, Flint and Genesee County will experience a solar eclipse. This amazing event occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun, which blocks the view of the sun fully or partially.

The solar eclipse on April 8 is a total solar eclipse, which does not happen that often, estimated every 400 years in one place on Earth. Why is this important? Well, the solar eclipse is a beautiful event to experience, but there are risks. There is major eye damage that can occur because of looking at the sun in general,  but especially during a solar eclipse.

Sunglasses are very beneficial when outside because they serve as a tool to protect the eyes from sun damage.”

Check out full article HERE.


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