Bad Headaches Suck!

Headaches are one of the most common causes of medical concern and they are caused by changes in chemical activity in the brain or changes in nerves or muscles.

They can be triggered by a variety of things and situations. People commonly associate stress and periods with headaches but diet and changes in environment or habits can also cause headaches.

Some common foods and substances that can causes recurrent headaches include alcohol, chocolate, aged cheese, nitrites, caffeine, nuts, and aspartame.

Environment and habit changes such as weather, sleep pattern, physical activity, skipping meals, and diet changes can also contribute to headaches.

Natural ways to alleviate headaches can include hydration with water or eating or drinking things with ginger, feverfew, or even rosemary.

There are also over the counter options to help with headaches such has Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Excedrin but if your headaches are persistent and unwavering then they can be made worse by taking medications constantly due to medication overuse headaches that can occur.

Migraine headaches are a neurological medical problem and can also be treated by prescription medications and procedures if desired.

Harris Family Health can help you evaluate and manage your headaches.


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