Ummm, That’s an allergy

Excerpt: ”Just so you know, there could be more things out there that you are allergic to. Some things you may have already been exposed to and shown you have an allergy. But there are probably many more things that you will never be exposed to and as a result will never know you have an allergy to it.

But this article is not for the maybe allergies.

Let’s talk about the definitely. I remember having a reaction to that food, that material, that medication, that plant, etc.

For most people having an allergic response to food or a material is easy to notice and causes them to try and avoid eating that food or touching that material in the future. But allergies are not always clear, and
allergic responses can show up in many different ways. Sensitivities to different substances vary from person not person and from substance to substance. This is where knowing your normal is important.”

Check out full article HERE.


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Official EPA Public Comment: Lead and Copper Rule