Happy One Month Anniversary!!

Happy One Month Anniversary to Harris Family Health!

I’m so excited to say we’ve been open for one month. I say we but it’s me, Dr Harris, and Harris Family Health is my baby.

This last month has been beautiful and I just wanted to go through my top things

1. I love seeing patients again! I could just stop there but I really do love medicine and to get back to caring for my community directly and hearing people's stories is just awesome 💜

2. I’m thankful for my OGs. They don’t know I call them this but my original group of patients. The ones that signed up in 2022 and in January before I even knew if this was what Flint wanted. Many of them have already seen the growth and great experience of Harris Family Health. They’ll be the ones that say I remember when you did this or that and now look at you. 😊

3. OMG my office! I feel good in my office. Visitors and patients feel good in my office. It’s beautiful to look out into a park and Flint mural every day. Downtown Flint is amazing!

4. The Wow Factor. I can’t emphasize enough that simplified medicine without insurance is a game changer. The time I have with patients to really hear their stories is so nice and to also just talk without feeling rushed has been beautiful. The cost savings by wholesaling labs, medications, etc is such a great safety net.

5. The Relief. Many of my patients have already expressed joy in finding something that works for them. Whether it’s flexibility to make appointments. Convenience in communication options. Time saving by having direct contact with their doctor and no wait times. Comfort in having a safe space. Or affordability when it comes to getting quality care after years of medical debt fear.

6. My support system has seen my shift. They see how happy I am now. And that’s a reflection of changing my environment and filling my heart with joy again. Harris Family Health has such great potential but it started as a dream to help me continue to be a good doctor 👩🏿‍⚕️ and community advocate. It started with me wondering why not me and trusting that I carried in my heart the passion to follow through with a vision to create an experience I’d want as a patient.


Why Harris Family Health Does Not Accept Health Insurance? Monthly Memberships Only.


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